I may have mentioned that I’m rubbish at making decisions but every now and then, at critical points in my life, I have plunged myself in to new life situations without a backward glance.
I’m not a natural risk taker - hang gliders, parachute jumps, Ferris wheels, deep water, more than 3 cups of coffee in one day - not for me. But sometimes life has thrown me an opportunity or even a good idea and I’m away.
This summer I took the chance to cut down my other job to 3 days a week and also to invest ( with my partner’s help!) in a garden studio. This wasn’t a totally practical decision - I may end up financially poorer- but it felt right in my heart and so dear reader, that is where I am at this moment in time.
The studio gives me everything I need for my art practice and while I have enjoyed being part of collective artists’ studios in the past, I’m relishing having my own light-filled space. While I was effectively studio-less, I had been using our family kitchen and let me tell you that was no easy feat. It was a lesson in time and space management and also in family relationship skills. Fridays were my days in the kitchen - I would hand my teen daughter a packed lunch to take to her room if she came home early from school to avoid any disruption to my sacred space. It didn’t always go down too well but on the whole, they were all very supportive and I’m very grateful for that.
Now though - I can leave my work out ready for the next time knowing that it will all be there when I come back to it, exactly as I left it. I can can pop in for half an hour and carry on where I left off and already I can see it is having a positive impact on my recent work. I can work on several paintings at the same time - it’s truly life-changing!
Next week, I return to my part-time job, taking a further cut in pay to support my art career and that will be another step towards creating my best life.
It is all a risk but this is where I am and it feels right.
If you’d like to come and see my latest work, I shall be showing at Roy’s Art Fair at the Truman Brewery, London, 3rd 6th October 2019
By A Rocky Shore
Giclee Print available